Soccer Skills Development (SSD)

Soccer Skills Development (SSD)

Soccer Skills Development (SSD)

This 5-week program offers professional training for both boys and girls. Players will be broken into age-appropriate training groups.

The program is ONLY OPEN TO NON-TRAVEL PLAYERS, regardless of club affiliation, and involves a fun training curriculum focused on technical development.

Program Features

  • Sessions are designed and run by West-Mont professional staff
  • Age-appropriate curriculum that promotes development in key technical areas
  • Registrations limited to no more than 12 players per age group

Winter 2 Schedule:

Age Group Gender Day Time 1 2 3 4 5
U07-U08 Boys/Girls Tue 6:30-7:30pm 2/4 2/11 2/18 2/25 3/5
U07-U08 Boys/Girls Wed 6:30-7:30pm 2/5 2/12 2/19 2/26 3/6
U09-U12 Boys/Girls Tue 7:30-8:30pm 2/4 2/11 2/18 2/25 3/5
U09-U12 Boys/Girls Wed 7:30-8:30pm 2/5 2/12 2/19 2/26 3/6






Cost: $199 (includes shirt)

How does SSD differ from normal team practice?

SSD sessions are run by West-Mont professional coaches, rather than volunteers. Additionally, the sessions focus solely on the individual player, emphasizing technique, without any small-group or team tactics. Most activities include one ball per player to maximize each participant's development.

For more information, please contact Jesse Martinez.

Camps & Development Programs


    • Affiliates3Affiliates3
    • AffiliatesAffiliates


    • BearoffBearoff
    • Parker's Barber ShopParker's Barber Shop
    • Montgomery County Community CollegeMontgomery County Community College
    • Logic GroupLogic Group