Battle At HillTop

Battle At HillTop

Battle at HillTop (BAH) 2024 had a high level of competition consistent with that observed in 2023, with teams coming from a variety of other states. It was a pleasure to host these teams from out of state along with all the PAE teams. BAH 2025 registration is now open using the links below.


  • $50 if registration is submitted by 5/31
  • $25 is registration is submitted in June (6/1-6/30)

2025 Registration Deadline: July 27

  • $50 late fee after this date

2025 GIRLS Tournament Dates: August 15-17



2025 BOYS Tournament Dates: August 22-24



Note: Friday games will only be scheduled for local teams (within 1hr drive)

Tournament Fees:

U09 (2016) - U10 (2015): $799 

U11 (2014) - U12 (2013): $925

U13 (2012) - U14 (2011): $975


  • No Smoking, No alcoholic beverages, No firearms, No foul language
  • NO PETS - All pets MUST remain in parking lot
  • Do not remove nor play with rocks in parking lot or area around bridge - rocks must absolutely not be moved into any grass area nor thrown into the creek
  • Do not leave trash on the fields - please bring everything with you
  • Do not climb on fences, goals and nets, etc.
  • Please stay out of the creek

West-Mont United is a premier club that is proud to promote fair play and sportsmanship among all teams and players. Please join us and the 300+ soccer teams competing in Limerick, PA. The Battle at HillTop will give your team a chance at playing against some of the best at a tremendous grass complex.

For more information please contact Paul Lucas, Tournament Director.

Referee Assignor - TBD

